Marathi people Wikipedia. The Marathi people Marathi are an ethnic group that speak Marathi, an Indo Aryan language. They inhabit the state of Maharashtra as well as districts bordering the state, such as Belgaon and Karwar of Karnataka, and Madgaon of Goa states in western India. Their language, Marathi, is part of the group of Indo Aryan languages. The community came in to political prominence in the 1. Maratha warriors, under Shivaji Maharaj, established the Maratha Empire, which is credited to a large extent for ending the Mughal rule. HistoryeditAncient to medieval periodeditMaratha Armory. Signature Maratha helmet with curved back. Maratha Armour from Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia. During the ancient period, around 2. BC, Maharashtra came under the rule of the Satavahana dynasty which ruled the region for 4. The greatest ruler of the Satavahana Dynasty was Gautami putra Satakarni. The Vakataka dynasty ruled Maharashtra from the 3rd century to the 5th century. The Chalukya dynasty ruled Maharashtra from the 6th century to the 8th century. The two prominent rulers were Pulakeshin II, who defeated the north Indian Emperor Harsh, and Vikramaditya II, who defeated the Arab invaders in the 8th century. The Rashtra kuta Dynasty ruled Maharashtra from the 8th to the 1. The Arab traveler Sulaiman called the ruler of the Rashtrakuta Dynasty Amoghavarsha as one of the 4 great kings of the world. From the early 1. Deccan Plateau was dominated by the Western Chalukya Empire and the Chola dynasty. The Marathi people Marathi are an ethnic group that speak Marathi, an IndoAryan language. They inhabit the state of Maharashtra as well. Translation agencies or translation companies are businesses that provide the language services needed by firms that do business globally. Following are safety and health products developed by OSHAs Alliance Program participants to provide information to employers and employees on specific industries or. Marigold-Cultivation-in-Polyhouse2.jpg?x91462' alt='Agriculture Information In Marathi Language Pdf' title='Agriculture Information In Marathi Language Pdf' />The Seuna dynasty, also known as the Yadav dynasty and ruled Maharashtra from the 1. The Yadavas were defeated by the Khaljis in 1. After the Yadav defeat, the area was ruled for the next 3. Muslim rulers including in chronological order the Khaljis, the Tughlaqs, the Bahamani Sultanate and its successor states called the Deccan sultanates such as Adilshahi, Nizamshahi, and the Mughal Empire. The early period of Islamic rule saw atrocities such as imposition of Jaziya tax on non Muslims, temple demolition and forcible conversionscitation needed. Konkani Kka is an IndoAryan language belonging to the IndoEuropean family of languages and is spoken along the South western coast of India. However, the mainly Hindu population and the Islamic rulers over time came to an accommodation. For most of this period the Brahmins were in charge of accounts whereas revenue collection was in the hands of Marathas who had watans Hereditary rights of Patilki revenue collection at village level and Deshmukhi revenue collection over a larger area. A number of families such as Bhosale, Shirke, Ghorpade, Jadhav, More, Mahadik, and Ghatge loyally served different sultans at different periods in time. All watandars considered their watan a source of economic power and pride and were reluctant to part with it. QPMnF5dJVUo/maxresdefault.jpg' alt='Agriculture Information In Marathi Language Pdf' title='Agriculture Information In Marathi Language Pdf' />The watandars were the first to oppose Shivaji because that hurt their economic interests. Since most of the population was Hindu and spoke Marathi, even the sultans such as Ibrahim Adil Shah I adopted Marathi as the court language, for administration and record keeping. Islamic rule led to Marathi language adopting Persian vocabulary. Per Kulkarni, for the elites of the era using Persian words was a status symbol. Surnames derived from service during that period such as Fadnis, Chitnis, Mirasdar etc. Territory under Maratha control in 1. Maratha EmpireeditPolitical historyeditIn the mid 1. Marathi documents, articles, scriptures, poems in ITRANS and devanagari and Marathi Learning Resources. Free Cabinet Estimating Program. Training Resources. OSHA Fall from a Telecommunications Tower PDF. OSHA FATAL Facts No. OSHA Fall Prevention Training Guide A Lesson Plan for. Website Content Managed by Content Owned by Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi, India. Designed, Developed by Akiko Sherman Infotech Last Updated. Stop and Read New Revised IAS Syllabus 20172018 from This Single Page. To prepare well for IAS MainsPrelims Exam, check out updated Syllabus which is provided here. Pl give me information for the MPSC Exam MPSC form date, timetable, and transaction details. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti Quotes SMS Images Wishes Whatsapp DP Facebook Profile HD Pics in Hindi, Marathi, English Shivaji Jayanti Download Free. Shivaji Maharaj 1. Maratha Empire by conquering the Desh and the Konkan region from the Adilshahi, and established Hindavi Swaraj self rule of Hindu people1. The Marathas are credited to a large extent for ending the Mughal rule in India. After Shivajis death, the Mughals, who had lost significant ground to the Marathas under Shivaji, invaded Maharashtra in 1. Shivajis son Sambhaji and successor as Chhatrapati led the Marathas valiantly against the much stronger Mughal opponent but in 1. Mughal emperor, Aurangzeb. The war against the Mughals was then led by the Sambhajis younger brother and successor Rajaram Chhatrapati. Upon Rajarams death in 1. Tarabai took command of Maratha forces and won many battles against the Mughals. In 1. 70. 7, upon the death of Aurangzeb, the War of 2. Mughals and Marathas came to an end. Shahu, the grandson of Shivaji, with the help of capable Maratha administrators and generals such as the Peshwa Balaji Vishwanath and his descendents saw the greatest expansion of Maratha power. After Shahus death in 1. Peshwa Nanasaheb and his successors became the virtual rulers of the empire. The empire was expanded by many chieftains including Peshwa Bajirao Ballal I and his descendants, the Shindes, Gaekwad, Pawar, Bhonsale of Nagpur and the Holkars. The empire at its peak stretched from Tamil Nadu in the south, to Peshawar modern day Khyber Pakhtunkhwa2. Bengal in the east. Pune, under the Peshwa, became the imperial seat with envoys, ambassadors and royals coming in from far and near. However, after the Third battle of Panipat in which the Marathas were defeated by Ahmed Shah Abdali, the Empire broke up into many independent kingdoms. Due to the efforts of Mahadji Shinde, it remained a confederacy until the British East India Company defeated Peshwa Bajirao II. Nevertheless, several Maratha states remained as vassals of the British until 1. Dominion of India. The Marathas also developed a potent Navy circa 1. India from Mumbai to Savantwadi. It would engage in attacking the British, Portuguese, Dutch, and Siddi Naval ships and kept a check on their naval ambitions. The Maratha Navy dominated until around the 1. Social historyeditBefore the British rule, Maharashtra region was divided in many revenue divisions. The medieval equivalent of county or district was the Pargana. The chief of the Pargana were called Deshmukh and record keepers were called Deshpande. Most Deshmukhs were from the elite Maratha families. The Deshpande belonged to Brahmin or CKP communities. The lowest administrative one was the village. Village society in Marathi areas included the Patil or the head of the village, collector of revenue, and Kulkarni, the village record keeper. These were hereditary positions. The Patil usually came from the Maratha community. The Kulkarni was usually from Brahhmin or CKP caste. The village also used to have twelve hereditary servants called the Balutedar. The Balutedar system was supportive to the agriculture sector. The servants under this system provided services to the farmer and economic system of village. The base of this system was caste. The servant used to get a job, according to their castes. There were 1. 2 kinds of servants called Bara Balutedar such as Sonar goldsmith, Gurav temple priest, Nhawi barber, Parit washerman, Kumbhar potter, Sutar carpenter, Lohar blacksmith, Chambar cobbler, Dhor, Koli fisherman, Chougula assistant to Patil, Mang and Mahar. In this list of Balutedar Dhor, Mang, Mahar and Chambhar belonged to the untouchable group of castes3. The medieval equivalent of county or district was the Pargana. The chief of the Pargana were called Deshmukh and record keepers were called Deshpande. Again, most Deshmukh were from the elite Maratha families. The Deshpande belonged to Brahmin or CKP communities. British colonial ruleeditThe British ruled for more than a century and saw huge changes for Marathi people in every aspect of their lives. Areas that correspond to present day Maharashtra were under direct or indirect British rule, first under the East India Trading Company and then under the British crown from 1. Marathi people during this era resided in the Bombay presidency, Berar, Central provinces, Hyderabad state and in various princely states that are currently part of the present day Maharashtra. Significant Marathi population also resided in Maratha princely states far from Maharashtra such as Baroda, Gwalior, Indore, and Tanjore. The British colonial period saw standardisation of Marathi grammar through the efforts of the Christian missionary William Carey.