Titlesort Author sort Date of Publication sort AAC No. A hazard in aerobatics Effect on Gforces on pilots FAA 19840228 FSF ALAR Toolkit. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Learn why the Common Core is important for your child. What parents should know Myths vs. There is no information on the OneCoin website indicating who owns or runs the business. The OneCoin website does have an about section, however no information. Express Helpline Get answer of your question fast from real experts. The One. Coin Terms and Conditions suggests that the company is based out of Bulgaria Onecoin follows strictly the regulations of the Electronic Commerce Act of the state of Bulgaria. We are not in the business of selling your personal information to third parties. Where permitted by the provisions of applicable law, Onecoin may though share such information from time to time with the following third parties Any government agency or other appropriate governmental, police, or regulatory authority in state of Bulgaria or elsewhere in order to meet legal security and regulatory requirements. The One. Coin website domain onecoin. June 2. 3rd 2. 01. One. Coins website itself is hosted out of Bulgaria. As always, if a MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining andor handing over any money. The One. Coin Product Line. One. Coin has no retailable products or services. One. Coin affiliate are only able to market affiliate membership to the site itself. The One. Coin Compensation Plan. The One. Coin compensation plan revolves around affiliates joining and then investing in One. Coin tokens. There are five packages on offer Starter 1. EURTrader 5. 00 EURPro Trader 1. EURExecutive Trader 3. EURTycoon Trader 5. EURCommissions are paid out split 6. Recruitment Commissions. A 1. 0 commission is paid on the packages purchased by personally recruited One. Coin affiliates. When a One. Coin affiliate joins the company, for their first 3. This commission is paid out after the thirty day period, on the condition that the cumulatively, the affiliates recruited spent over 5,5. EUR on packages. After this period, the regular 1. Residual Recruitment Commissions. Residual recruitment commissions in One. Coin are paid out using a binary compensation structure. A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a two binary teams, left and right Positions in the binary represent affiliates who have purchased a package. Commissions are paid out on the volume generated by affiliates purchasing packages, with 1. The One. Coin compensation plan does not mention whether this is a daily, weekly or monthly payout. Matching Bonus. A Matching Bonus is available on the binary earnings of recruited affiliates, payable down four levels of recruitment. How many levels a One. Coin affiliate qualifies to receive the Matching Bonus on depends on how much they spent on a package Starter no bonus available. Trader 1. 0 on level 1. Pro Trader 1. 0 on levels 1 and 2. Executive Trader 1. Tycoon Trader 1. One. Life Point Bonus. One. Life Points are accumulated by One. Life affiliates based on how much they spent on their own package, how many affiliates theyve personally recruited and how many affiliates joined One. Coin after them globally. Points are awarded daily, with the One. Coin compensation plan stating that points can be exchanged for attractive items as unique holidays, luxury watches and other amazing and exclusive rewards. No further specific information is provided. Aurum Gold Coins. Bundled with One. Coin packages are Aurum Gold Coins. Aurum Gold Coin is a hybrid currency, based in Dubai and a pioneer in the world of virtual currency. One. Coin claim thatevery Aurum Gold Coin is backed up with 1mg of solid gold. This gold is physically stored in the gold vault in Dubai. The amounts of Aurum Gold Coins alloted to each One. Coin package is as follows Starter 5. Trader 2. 50 coins. Pro Trader 5. 00 coins. Executive Trader 1. Tycoon Trader 2. I tried to independently verify this but nothing in particular came up for Aurum Gold Coin. As such, it appears to be a virtual currency exchange scheme within the One. Coin compensation plan. The notion that there is a third party company out there backing a virtual currency that One. Coin are literally giving away with actual gold is rather ridiculous. Joining One. Coin. Affiliate membership to One. Coin is 3. 0. Affiliates must purchase a package however if they wish to participate in the MLM side of One. Coin. This adds an additional 1. EUR cost to affiliate membership, depending on which package is purchased Starter 1. EURTrader 5. 00 EURPro Trader 1. Scarface Friends there. EURExecutive Trader 3. EURTycoon Trader 5. EURThe primary difference between the packages is commission percentages paid out and tokens assigned to an affiliate see conclusion of this review. Conclusion. There are three primary component to the One. Coin MLM business opportunity. The first is a simple recruitment driven pyramid scheme, backed with a residual binary compensation structure. Affiliates join One. Coin and are then directly compensated on the recruitment of new affiliates, who must spend money on packages to participate in the MLM opportunity. The second is the whole Aurum Gold Coins schtick, which appears to be an alternative virtual currency to the One. Tokens, and are backed by baloney. The third and most secretive component is the One. Coin token share scheme. One. Coin is a new cryptocurrency that can be traded on the One. Exchange. Details of the One. Coin token exchange are kept off the One. Coin website, with even the compensation plan only lightly going into details. In a nutshell, based on how much an affiliate spends on a package, they are awarded a specific number of One. Tokens. Starter 1. Trader 5. 00. 0 tokens. Pro Trader 1. 0,0. Executive Trader 3. Tycoon Trader 6. These tokens are traded on what One. Coin refer to as the One. Exchange. Masquerading as a crypto currency, One. Coins One. Tokens are nothing more than Ponzi points, pegged to nothing more than the rate of new money flowing into the company via affiliates The more people join the One. Coin concept, the higher the popularity and value of the currency. The more popular One. Coin is, the higher the value of the cryptocurrency. As long as nobody exchanges their One. Tokens for cash, One. Coin hold everybodys money. If money flowing in slows down however, One. Coin implement what they refer to as splits. Basically, everybodys tokens multiply, which drives down the value of an individual token. One. Coin are quite secretive about their One. Exchange virtual currency trading platform, however one can safely assume therre withdrawal limits and restrictions on the amount of tokens an affiliate can sell over set periods of time. In this sense One. Coin functions no differently to any other Ponzi points based scheme, only they pretend to be involved in crypto currencies. In the US at least, One. Coin would easily fall foul of SEC regulation concerning the offering of unregistered securities. This is why the company purportedly does not operate there. Not that Europe is any more welcoming of such scams, only that the anonymous owners are obviously hedging their bets against getting away with it by registering the company in Bulgaria. Once new investment in packages stops and the completely arbitrary value assigned One. Tokens goes into an irreversible spiral, those running the scheme will simply disappear. Along with whats left of everybodys money.