For more information on specifying a source location, see http go. Link. Id2. 43. 07. The DISM log file can be found at C WindowsLogsDISMdism. So now I have a new error code 0x. F0. 81. F to muddy the water with. Checking the DISM. LOG file. 20. 14 0. Info DISM DISM Package Manager PID2. TID1. 25. 6 Error in operation source for package or file not found, Resolve. Source unsuccessful. CBS HRESULT0x. 80. CCbs. Con. UIHandler Error. Error DISM DISM Package Manager PID2. TID4. 73. 2 Failed finalizing changes. CDISMPackage. Manager InternalFinalizehr 0x. Error DISM DISM Package Manager PID2. TID4. 73. 2 The source files could not be found their location must be specified using the source option to restore the feature. Get. Cbs. Error. Msg. Not really helpful as it doesnt explain whats missing. Now Im happy with my DISM command Dism online enable feature featurename Net. Fx. 3 All Source C DriversMicrosoftWindows. Limit. Access so it must be that the files are missing from the install files, which seems unlikely. Looking for help on the new error code, I found Windows Update error 0x. F0. 81. Fhttp windows. The recommended DISM. EXE commands to clean up the Component Store made no difference dism. I then moved on to Joseph Conways Technet blog How to troubleshoot error 0x. F0. 81. F when installing roles and featureshttp blogs. Download the ISO again couldnt complete this one easily. Could fill a blog just on how difficult it is to get access to install software at workClean up the Component Store already tried. Disable any access to WSUS also already tried. Update your source media this sounded promisingHow to update local source media to add roles and features http blogs. Sadly, I couldnt get this to work and gave up trying after a while. Going back to basics, my next stop was CBS. LOG as thats where the Component Based Servicing work is recorded. Info CBS Calling client to resolve source, cannot find file amd. Presentation. Host. DLL. dll. mui 2. Info CBS Exec Not able to pre stage package Microsoft Windows IIS Web. Server Add. On Package3. US6. 2. 9. 20. 0. Presentation. Host. DLL. dll. mui, source C WindowsServicingPackagesamd. Presentation. Host. DLL. dll. mui Looking in the sourcessxs folder, I can only see sub folders forand so on but not for the missing folders. Which is when I noticed that the folders have a build number of 6. Searching online for the build number quickly found problems with a bunch of Windows Update fixes. NET Framework 3. 5 0x. F0. 90. 6 then 0x. Just uninstall updates KB2. KB2. 96. 68. 28 and it will help you. Looking in the list of installed updates, I found I had KB2. MS1. 4 0. 46 Description of the security update for the. NET Framework 3. 5 on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2. August 1. 2, 2. 01. Now why do I have a. NET Framework 3. 5 hotfix installed on a machine that hasnt yet had. NET Framework 3. 5 installed The presence of the hotfix meant the installation was always expecting to find newer files than came with the Windows 8 source files. As soon as I uninstalled the hotfix, I could add the. NET Framework 3. 5 feature and start using my applications.