Business Research Methods Zikmund Pdf' title='Business Research Methods Zikmund Pdf' />Ethics in Market Research Concerns over Rights of Research Participants Sami Al Smadi This paper discusses the growing concern over violation of. Ron Brookmeyer, Donna F. StroupMonitoring the Health of Populations Statistical Principles and Methods for Public Health Surveillance 2003. M. Com. First semester C11 PaperI Advanced Financial Accounting Marks 80 Section A Theory 1. Accounting standards Indian Accounting standards, International. Hypertension Cardiovascular Diseases. Documented. Lifestyle. Education. Among. Young. Adultswith. Incident. Hypertension. Heather M. Johnson, MD, MS 1,2,9 , Andrea G. Olson, MD 1, Jamie N. La. Mantia, BS 1,2 , Amy J. H. Kind, MD, Ph. D 1,2,3 , Nancy Pandhi, MD, MPH 2,4 , Eneida A. Mendona, MD, Ph. D 5,6 , Mark Craven, Ph. D 5 , and Maureen A. Smith, MD, Ph. D, MPH 2,4,7,8 1. Departmentof. Medicine,Universityof. Wisconsin. Schoolof. Medicineand. Public. Health,Madison,WI,USA 2. Health. Innovation. Program,Universityof Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI, USA 3. William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital. Geriatric Research. Educationand. Clinical. Center,Madison,WI,USA 4. Department of. Family. Medicine,Universityof Wisconsin. Schoolof. Medicineand. Public Health,Madison,WI,USA 5. Departmentof. Biostatisticsand. Medical. Informatics,Universityof. Wisconsin. Schoolof. Medicineand. Public. Health,Madison,WI,USA 6. Departmentof. Pediatrics,Universityof. Wisconsin. Schoolof. Medicineand. Public. Health,Madison,WI,USA 7. Departmentof. Population. Health. Sciences,Universityof. Wisconsin. Schoolof. Medicineand. Public. Health,Madison,WI,USA 8. Departmentof. Surgery,Universityof. Wisconsin. Schoolof. Medicineand. Public. Health,Madison,WI,USA 9. Divisionof. Cardiovascular. Download Free Carol Of The Bells Piano Solo Pdf. Medicine,Universityof. Wisconsin. Schoolof. Medicineand. Public. Health,Madison, WI, USA. BACKGROUND Only 3. Lifestyle educa tion is a critical initial step for hypertension control. Pre viousstudieshavenotassessedthetypeandfrequencyof lifestyle education in young adults with incident hypertension. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to determinepatient, provider, and visit predictors of documented life style education among young adults with incident hypertension. DESIGN We conducted a retrospective analysis of man ually abstracted electronic health record data. PARTICIPANTS A random selection of adults 1. JNC7clinicalcriteriafor incident hypertension, participated in the study. MAIN MEASURES The primary outcome was the pres ence of any documented lifestyle education during one year after meeting criteria for incident hypertension. Ab stracted topics included documented patient educationfor exercise, tobacco cessation, alcohol use, stressmanagementstress reduction, Dietary Approaches to. Stop Hypertension DASH diet, and weight loss. Clinic visitswerecategorizedbaseduponamodifiedestablishedtaxonomy to characterize patients patterns of outpatient service. Weexcluded patientswith previoushypertensiondiagnoses, previous antihypertensive medications, or pregnancy. Logistic regression was used to identify pre dictors of documented education. KEY RESULTS Overall, 5. Exercise was the most frequent topic6. Young adult males had significantly decreasedodds of receiving documented education. Patients with a previousdiagnosisofhyperlipidemiaorafamilyhistoryof hypertension or coronary artery disease had increasedoddsofdocumentededucation. Amongvisittypes,chron icdiseasevisitspredicteddocumentedlifestyleeducation, but not acute or otherpreventive visits. CONCLUSIONS Among young adults with incident hy pertension,only. Knowledge of patient, provider, and visit predictorsofeducationcanhelpbettertargetthedevelop mentofinterventionstoimproveyoungadulthealthedu cation and hypertension control. KEY WORDS hypertension patient education primary care electronichealthrecords healthbehavior. J Gen Intern Med 3. DOI 1. 0. 1. 00. Society of. General Internal Medicine. INTRODUCTIONHypertension is the leading cause of preventable death in the. United States. Among young adults 1. Hgor diastolic blood pressure 9. Hg, taking antihyperten sive medication, or being told twice by a physician or other medical professional that one has hypertension. Young adultshave lower hypertension control compared to 4. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on. Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High. Blood Pressure JNC 7and recent guideline updatesiden tify lifestyle modif ications as a critical first line step to hyper tension control. Recommended lifestyle modifications in clude weight loss in overweight and obese individuals, adop tion of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension DASH plan, dietary sodium reduction, physical activity, and. Received March 1. Revised August 5, 2. Accepted September 2. Published online November 6, 2.