Heres A Ton Of New Lore On Destiny 2s Cabal. Destiny 2 doesnt release until next week, but at least one Collectors Edition was delivered early thanks to Amazon Canada. The 2. 50 bundle is filled with art work and lots of different knick knacks, including a special booklet filled with lore that Reddit user Canadian decided to upload and share with the internet. Bungies shooter MMO isnt known for its deep and detailed storytelling, but that doesnt mean fans of the series dont greedily devour every new piece of backstory as it arrives. The latest dump, which comes via the booklet, is an extended dive into the Cabal, the games militaristic faction full of aliens who wear giant space armor and have the tiniest heads. Destiny 1 and its ensuing DLC expanded in detail on series three other enemy factions, but the Cabal previously hadnt gotten that much attention. G6yhWXylSw/WQuqZKHSyDI/AAAAAAAAAM4/0zYCzu1dVeMzOairJK1UV8MUOTjbfbJOgCK4B/s1600/hammersmithspek.jpg' alt='Dream Theater Metropolis Part 2 Scenes From A Memory Rarlab' title='Dream Theater Metropolis Part 2 Scenes From A Memory Rarlab' />Destiny 2 is meant to change that and the Cabal booklet is one place that starts. While a handful of pages and art comparable to an NES game manual might not seem massive by conventional standards, in Destiny terms its like the scene with the old guy near the end of the second Matrix movie. And contrary to the brofest feel of the latest games marketing, the post apocalyptic sci fi universe Bungies been developing has as much in common with Lord of the Rings as Starship Troopers. Also, Id say there might be minor spoilers ahead, but honestly who knows if any of this will even make it into the actual game. Bungie has said its going to try and incorporate more of its world building directly into the things players do in Destiny 2 rather than confine some of the most interesting story elements to item descriptions and Grimoire cards as was the case in the first game. Dream Theater Metropolis Part 2 Scenes From A Memory Rar' title='Dream Theater Metropolis Part 2 Scenes From A Memory Rar' />Theres a lot to dissect in the booklet, which is written in first person from the perspective of Dominus Calus, the Cabals emperor at one time, in the form of a letter. It paints a much more complex picture of the faction and its history in which the Cabal appear to have enjoyed periods of great peace and prosperity in between bouts of war and conflict. There are parallels to the Roman empire, an obvious real world inspiration for the alien race which was responsible for lots of art and culture in addition to brutal campaigns of military conquest. In the opening portion of the letter, Calus writes,But might is not enough for through all of this struggle, I kept the bonfires lit and the sweet wine flowing. Dream Theater Metropolis Part 2 Scenes From A Memory RaritanTo be emperor, you see, is to be the model of perpetual joy A good ruler must live the life that everyone craves. Chess Steps Method Pdf Files there. For if an emperor cannot be happy, then what hope has anyoneFrom there the former emperor goes on to list everyone whoever betrayed him in an attempt to recruit the intended reader its not exactly clear who that is, although it seems to be the player, i. Guardian into helping him plot his revenge. Chief among them is Ghaul, the big bad from all the Destiny 2 trailers and the beta who replaced Calus as the Cabal empires leader, but the list also includes lots of others, including Calus own daughter. You can read the entire booklet in plain text form at Destinypedia but the bulk of it appears to be laying the groundwork for the new games first raid. It would make sense if these betrayers as Calus calls them were bosses in different sections of Destiny 2s end game, with ambiguous remarks from his letter like Umun is afraid of the outside. Dream Theater Metropolis Part 2 Scenes From A Memory RaritySee that her doom comes from within, possibly intended as hints as to how to beat them. Beyond just hinting at the games new raid, however, players have taken the contents of the booklet and used them to speculate about whether the Cabal are really bad guys in league with the Darkness or simply bystanders who were involuntarily roped into a larger struggle by forces like the Hive. Toward the end of the booklet, Calus himself waxes philosophical For in my exile I have plumbed the secret places of the cosmos. Even my grand Cabal is only a single tooth in the great jaws of time. 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Some of Destinys best lore came in the Taken King expansion in a number of unlockable fragments called the Books of Sorrow, and in many ways the Collectors Edition booklet reads like a followup to that, with some fans interpreting parts of what Calus says as signaling that hes discovered a secret to defeating the Darkness. Either way its perfect fodder for a gaming community known to intensely debate even the most minor details of the games extremely meager narrative.