Badbitcoin. org The Badlist. Longstanding, reliable, Bitcoin and altcoin Contract Mining. Navigate using the above Menu. This is a huge list, over 4. Domains, so this speeds up loading. Bitcoin Generator Bitcoin Adder and other spurious descriptions pitch this worthless scam software. Quite a surreal site, but just a doubler fraud. SecurityStudy. Do you want to know how to drive a new website to 100k organic visitors per month with minimum costs Checkout our Seonick case study now Potebujete poradit Nevte, jak zvolit palubky i podlahovky Zeptejte se odbornk na palubky a podlahovky. Jackobian is a Nigerian online forum Community provided and maintained by Nigerian Students. Our interests include Bitcoin and other Altcoins, Investments, Technology. In India, Foreign Exchange or Forex trading Overseas Trading is not allowed. If someone is found trading Forex on the stock market by the Reserve Bank of Indias. Belajar Forex Trading Valas. Mencari Uang di Internet Online Gratis tanpa modal. How To Install Hyip Manager Pro' title='How To Install Hyip Manager Pro' />Dont send a penny to this nickel and dime HyipFraud. A very very formulaic hyip fraud. If they were to run a hyip legitimately, the maths say you would probably lose, but they dont, so you certainly lose. Dont hold your breath. Just another magic bitcoin doubler. Or thief as they are known. A fairly unconvincing fraud, but wed better warn you just in case you think this is real. Not the real 1hash. It isnt real mining, just a front. A pretty basic coin multiplier fraud. Dont ever fall for any of these. To multiply anything x. Think about it. 121. Hopefully, now you are aware its just a fraud, this cheap crook will get one hourly jack shit. What a pretty site this is. A complete scam, but well presented. You are playing at mining, it isnt real. As long as you know its a ponzi, then it is your choice. There is a lot wrong with this site. No https is your first red flag. Yet another fraudster claiming to multiply your bitcoin. A ponzi means that the bitcoin you send, is paid to previous investors What you fail to consider, is that these ponzis arent ponzi, and they just keep it all. Suckered 841. 71. Another Revshare ponzi fraud. You aint fooling nobody with this unoriginal ponzi fraud. Its new, and weve warned you, so you have no excuse for your own stupidity if you send bitcoin to this blatant fraud. A freehosted ponziscam. Thats what this crook is hoping to make. Everything you see before you is illusion. Just a slightly modified off the shelf template from this fraud. Oops, forgot the e when you registered this fraud. Its a ponzi and a gamble. Remember, these sites dont often tell the truth. Another thief promising to magically double your coins. Bitco. in, 1. 0x bitco. The 1. 0x your Btc Scam always is and always will be just a robber. Same Scam, new domain 161. Here we go again, but a hyip this time. All multipliers are scams run by slimy thieves. This is no exception 22. Where x5. 0. ask a friend if you dont understand this 1. How do they 1. 0x your Btc in a dayThey dont. They 1. If you believe that someone will multiply your bitcoin 1. Not an MLM or Ponzi a Matrix, although at the end of the day, it will fuck off with thebitcoin like they all do. A really basic coin multiplier fraud. Bitcoin DOES NOT DOUBLE Any part of that that escapes you Another Bit. ATT scam clone, another thief. Bitcoin x 1. 00 If you fall victim to this scam it is your own fault. Nothing special. Send bitcoin and youll never see it again. Bitcoin cannot double. Just a domain extension for this scam. This is the genuine fraud site, dont lose your bitcoin to a fake fraud Weird. The Crypto world is swamped with these. Yet another multiplier scam. Just send 5. 00. 0 Doge that you no longer need, and this scam will happily take them off your hands. This freehosted site wants you to give all the details they may need to steal ALL your online stuff. Dont be daft. 82. Or a 1 1. 0 Ponzi in earth language. Now you know its a fraud,you wont send this thief your bitcoin, we hope. Scammers arent bright, and they stick to what they know, in this case the number 1. Sad isnt it. 52. How it works in 4 words They steal your bitcoin 1. This probably relates to how many bitcoins they want to steal before they disappear. Offers 1. 20 return. How Ponzi or Scam, take your pick, or choose both 32. HyipScam. Please wise up. Theres no such thing as a free lunch, or free money. Just. PONZI 561. This scam site further endorses that reputation. Daily. com A hyip a day keeps your bitcoin away. Dont give your btc to these hyip thieves. Another Revshare fraud. What do you think revshare means where there is no product Doesnt matter what the number is, any coin multiplier is a simple fraud. Another scam bitcoin multiplier. Keep your bitcoin safe. They are right, it isnt like a ponzi it IS a ponzi. An MLM requires product, and a Matrix is a Ponzi. This is just another fraudster. Bitcoin doesnt double. Dont fall for these common frauds. Just another iteration of that familiar scam doubler. A thief. 151. 62coin. And yes, its a fraud doubler. Within 2 days, your bitcoin will have been burned in a crack pipe. Just a cheap fraud. To double coin, you have to mine it, buy it, gamble it or earn it. This is just a thief. Another pic of a cheeky chappie with his thumb in the air it should be up his ass with this scamsite. A rubbish hyipfraud. Far too passive, in fact so laid back you cant see it. You will be amazed at the speed your bitcoin arrives in the ponzi admins wallet. But thats it, nothing else much happens after that. The classic coindoubler fraud. The logs are faked nobody really gains from these common scams. Another losers club. Just a pretty useless attempt at a ponzi scam. A fairly basic ponzi. If you dont know what a ponzi is, you will just keep losing your bitcoin. The bitcoinbuilder ponzi must have hit a wall, so hey, add another layer its only other peoples money. Advertise HERE with Anonymous AdsOutside advertiser check our badlistxbitcoi. Its yet another bitcoin multiplier scamsite. They just keep coming. If you havent seen these, they are Bitcoin Doublers. What happens is, you send bitcoin, and you dont get it back. You do get to feel silly though. It seems like everybody is trying it on with bitcoin doubler scams. Dont be a sucker, avoid these thieves. The latest scam doubler fraud attempt. Another Bit. ATT scam clone 321. The latest scam coin multiplier. They all run for the hills with your bitcoin, please learn this undeniable fact. Double bollocks. Money and bitcoin simply cannot double There, you heard it here first. Another moveable fraudsie. Dont be reckless, you know its just lies. Return 5. 00. 0 in a day, are you pissed A spurious site title. Everything on this scam page, every number, statistic, promise, is just fantasy. They could have called it anything. The Bitatt multiplier fraud makes yet another appearance. Another PonziFraud using the Revshare theme. Dimitri From Paris A Night At The Playboy Mansion Rar on this page. The scamsector is now saturated with these doublers. Dont be fooled. Its a Ponzi scam just like all of them. These hyip frauds just keep coming. Please dont become a victim to these very common frauds. A hyipscam. They will just steal your money and bitcoin. Well save you your time and bitcoin eh. Exchanger, X Exchanger, JR Money Exchange, First exchanger, Zeo Changer, and J Changer All the same scammer 631. Just a fraud folks, move along now. A doubler scam from a common thief. Your bitcoin wont double, it will just add to this crooks wallet. In 2. 4 hours, somebody can get a long way away with your precious bitcoin. Its just another fraud from the persistent hyip writers. Thieves. 72. 81. Another fraud to add. Yes its a fake mining site. Its the Bitday. Wtf. Anyway, its a fraud. A hyip from Eastern Europe 631. Wed better explain it. A ponzi, that is broken up into 3x. Still just fraud. This is a ponziscam, bitcoin CANNOT multiply. Follow THIS LINK to Buy 1. FREE 3xbitco. in Not very inventive just the 2xbitco. A hyipscam 32. 71. This victim of the Crazebtc fraud wants you to join him Dont be silly. Off the shelf ponzifraud code on a fresh domain. A very traditional scam format, fake investment, big promises etc. The reality is that this is some creep with a plan to rob you. Those shiny shiny graphics appear yet again. Work that sucker to death. Can you read Just read it for yourself, it makes no sense There are so many ponzis, that there arent enough depositors. Heres one more. 11. Complete drivel. But at least they are after fiat, but using a bitcoin theme. A hyipscam 1. 12. Rarely will you see more bs than this. Fake logs, lies everything to try to steal from you.