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Survival Evolved Servers Are Getting Wiped After All. Remember when Studio Wildcard said it was going to wipe the Ark Survival Evolved servers prior to launch, and then it said it wouldnt Well, now its going to wipe some of themand its withdrawing customer support for surviving servers after the retail version hits August 2. Is your head spinning yet It seems like its just another day, another bout of questionable decision making and avoidable controversy from Ark Survival Evolved developer Wildcard. Following last years paid for early access DLC kerfuffle, Arks recent 1. U turn of 2. 01. Part of the announcement, at least, isnt a complete surprise. During the recent server wipe flip flop fiasco in which Wildcard first promised players that it wouldnt wipe the servers prior to launch, then told the press that it would, then changed its mind again 2. Wildcard noted that it may still wipe underpopulated servers in the future. In June, Wildcard told players that it would keep existing active Official Servers as they are post ship no wipe though at ship we may at our discretion re purpose certain empty or near empty Official Servers with 1 month prior warning. True to at least some of its word, Wildcard has posted a list of 4. PC, Xbox, and PS4 servers that will soon be getting the chop. Elaborating on the studios criteria for deletion, community manager wildcardjen explained on Reddit PC servers that were chosen average 5 or less active users. Xbox and PS4 had some average 6 7 users, while some servers operated at near zero players for significant periods of times. All servers earmarked for removal will meet their end on Saturday, August 2. Thats significantly less notice than the previously touted one month advanced warning. As such, affected players only have a tiny window in which to migrate their characters and creatures to a surviving server. It took longer than wed anticipated in order to determine how many new physical servers wed be able to purchase at the various data centers we use, which ended up being less than wed hoped we were able to procure in time for launch, Wildcard told Kotaku. The news thats most troubled long time players however is that all surviving servershenceforth known as Legacy servers, to distinguish them from the incoming new server clusterwill no longer be eligible for customer support. In other words, if you dont move to the new server cluster and forfeit everything youve achieved so far, you wont get help if something goes cataclysmically wrong in the future. When the current servers become Legacy servers on the 2. Customer Support to these Legacy servers, Wildcard explained in its official statement. All outstanding tickets to our Customer Support team will be wiped clean on launch day, and no future tickets submitted by those playing on Legacy servers will be accepted. Going forward our Customer Support team will be focused on assisting those present on the new cluster, which will not be plagued by many of the issues that occurred during the Early Access process. Unfortunately it is beyond the scope of our operation to continue to offer support on Legacy servers at this time. The response on Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and the official Ark forum has, understandably, been overwhelmingly negative. Over on the official Ark forums, user Nokosa posted, So we supported you for years but now you wont support usThe people who helped you better the game Tell me why I should continue playing. User Dreyd. Wow, I cant believe they will no longer be offering customer support to Legacy servers. We helped BUILD this player base and your game and you are going to shaft us like that That is pretty messed up to be honest. Shame on you Ark. The comparatively good news, however, is that Wildcard has pledged technical support for Legacy servers. Not for gameplay issues as those servers have been dupe ridden, Wildcard told Kotaku, but definitely for technical aspects. Well monitor them and address any functional issues should they arise, such as keeping them running properly, and keeping them fully updated. Thankfully, players affected by the newly announced server deletions will at least be able to download server saves so that they can re host their game elsewhere and continue on in perpetuity if they so chose. These saves will likely become available to download sometime before Saturday, says Wildcard. FCC Chair Ajit Pai Cant Come Up With a Single Plausible Reason Not to Screw Up the Entire US Internet. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, ISP endorsed frontman and villain of a theoretical future Revenge of the Nerds reboot, is trying to dupe everyone into believing abandoning open internet principles is inevitable because no opponents have any convincing arguments. At an FCC oversight hearing with the House Commerce Committee this week, Democratic Rep. Michael Doyle challenged Pai to present any sort of willingness to consider the evidence offered by net neutrality supporters, Ars Technica reported. What kind of comment would cause you to change your mind Doyle asked. Pai offered the mind blowing response that he would need to see economic analysis that shows credibly that theres infrastructure investment that has increased dramatically since the enactment of Barack Obama era neutrality rules, or any evidence showing a future economy or consumers experience would be worse without the regulations. Its an insidious response that gets more insidious the further its probed. Network neutrality is the simple principle that common carriers ISPs must treat all traffic on their networks on an equitable basis, whether its newspapers, porn, or a competitors video platform. It does not require anyone to build new infrastructurethough because traffic discrimination is not allowed, these rules of the game force ISPs to act like utilities and upgrade their networks to deal with higher traffic, or they will simply get slower and slower. The idea that because US ISPs have chosen to continue offering subpar services at some of the most expensive rates in the world disproves the principle and thus they should be allowed to set up a tiered system is essentially endorsing a race to the bottom. But its even worse than that. As Techdirt noted earlier this year, ISPs are notorious for taking billions of dollars in government contracts to expand service and then finding various contractual loopholes to pocket as much of the funds as possible. Pais answer simply rewards this behavior, and frankly incentivizes them to present their own subpar services as evidence of the need for further deregulation. A recent report by Free Press also found publicly traded ISPs do not seem to think open network principles are a threat to investment in new infrastructure, according to their own statements to investors. Free Press also disputes Pais account, saying their numbers show investment has increased. World Machine With Keygen Software. As for the implication no one has done convincing research on open network principles and their impact on the economy, there is an incredible wealth of academic and nonprofit research on net neutrality. Pai, who should be responsible for absorbing at least some of this and literally has a policy division at his agency, is citing his own supposed lack of insighta convenient position, since he can always choose to remain unconvinced.

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