The 1. 00 Best Albums Of The 1. Like this Check out FACTs rundowns of the 1. Best Albums of the 1. Best Albums of the 1. Ah, said a wise old former FACT staffer about this list, possibly the best decade of them all Looking at the evidence, its hard to argue this is the decade that brought us fusions high noon, ten summers of disco, the rise of the dub cosmonauts, ambients first stirrings, and the viperous bite of punk. Electronic music left the academies and the novelty charts and started to infect rock and pop wholesale. Prog gazed upwards, New Age looked inwards, metal plumbed the depths and the Germans released a lot of great records. Mego Games Obsession Rules Boots For Girls' title='Mego Games Obsession Rules Boots For Girls' />More than anything, though, this was popular musics Cambrian period a melting pot from which vital new forms hip hop, house, post punk would already be emerging by the end of the decade. Its a decade of strange combinations, of unlikely correspondences and to reference one album on the rundown chance meetings some disastrous, some very auspicious indeed. As with previous lists, weve sought to represent the period in all its diversity. As ever, this is not some hoary retelling of The Canon, nor is it a beardier than thou list for contrarians and Discogs gollums. Ah, said a wise old former FACT staffer about this list, possibly the best decade of them all Looking at the evidence, its hard to argue this is the. Mego Games Obsession Rules Boots For WomenRather, these are 1. Well be counting down the list all this week twenty per day, finishing up on Friday. To accompany the list, our team have curated and recorded five mixes, featuring material from all the records on the rundown. Well be unveiling these day by day in tandem with the list Mix 1 1. Ywxly-k_29WNn01SgPmXxpxsQnQ6DFXdCcd1pLt9slQy8vuBQVEfS5iE3OML9J6A=h900' alt='Mego Games Obsession Rules Boots Chemist' title='Mego Games Obsession Rules Boots Chemist' />I am always coming across Hallmark Keepsake Ornaments at garage sales. I love to buy them because I decorated my Christmas tree with many as a child and still. Mix 2 8. 0 6. Mix 3 6. Mix 4 4. 0 2. Mix 5 2. Anna Lockwood. The Glass World of Anna LockwoodTangent, 1. Amongst a particular cadre of experimental musicians and field recordists, Anna or, as she was subsequently credited, Annea Lockwoods glass concerts of the late 1. Installed in dark rooms with a modest light display in tow, the New Zealander rubbed and struck an array of different glass vessels bottles, jars, tubes and panels, extracting coos and yelps from these inanimate objects a sort of double glazed siren song. The Glass World of Anna Lockwood presents compositions in a similar vein the results are gorgeous and otherworldly, and herald a decade characterised by curiosity and miscegenation. Not sure what shed make of Justice Yeldham, though. Libra. SchockCinevox, 1. Goblin might quite rightly get most of the attention when the conversation zeroes in on Italian horror soundtracks, but there are plenty more gems out there if you care to take a closer look. Libras proggy accompaniment to Mario Bavas Schock is one of the best of em, and it probably wont come as a surprise to hear that the band were actually only a degree of separation away from Goblin. Drummer Walter Martino had performed with the Italian horror heavyweights in 1. Goblin keyboardist Maurizio Guarani actually drops a few of his signature stabs too. While Bava undoubtedly wanted to repeat Dario Argentos winning formula, tracks such as the discordant La Cantina might be even more eerie than anything youd find bothering the Profondo. Rosso OST. In fact, its those peculiar avant garde synth touches that give Schock such a unique set of fingerprints, and with gorgeous, spooked up tracks like LIncubo and Transfert IV, its well worthy of re appraisal. Spencer Hickman Death Waltz Recordings Perfect companion piece to Suspiria, with Libra not surprisingly sharing member Maurizio Guarini. Huge, overly pompous prog rock littered with scattershot synth effects, disco flourishes and absolutely mental breakdowns which give way to almost folksy ambient segments this record sums up all of the excesses of the italian giallio genre and is all the better for it. You dont just listen to this record you experience it9. Gary Wilson. You Think You Really Know MeMCM, 1. Prime contender for the Least Appropriate Babymaker on this list, You Think You Really Know Me is a bug eyed collection of traumatised kitsch and spooky boogie woogie. Inspired by a childhood meeting with John Cage, this New York outcast set out to become a teen idol in front of a Cage performance, singing love songs but being avant garde. Wilsons sad sack persona is the main draw, but the compositions the twitchy When You Walk Into My Dreams apocalyptic sex jam 6. Makeout have serious clout too. Now recognised as an outsider pop classic, it still creeps and thrills a blue eyed soul album made by a water damaged droid. Arduino Stepper Motor Serial Control Codes. Can. Ege BamyasiUnited Artist Records, 1. Forget worthies like Stephen Malkmus and Thurston Moore and Beck and Kanye West giving their regal nods to this album it doesnt need any of them. All you need to know its greatness is to see a halfway decent DJ drop Vitamin C in a club, and see how gloriously the groove abides. That one moment is enough to realise that krautrock is not about collectors and catalogues and worthiness as much as anything its about the primacy of the present moment and the cavorting foolishness of funk. Ege Bamyasi isnt afraid to get dark nightmarish, even, in the second half of the ten minute Soup but when Jaki Liebzeit gets rolling and everything else locks into step with him, Can are every inch the multidimensional interstellar groove machine that ParliamentFunkadelic, for example, ever were. Talking Heads. Fear Of MusicSire, 1. More Songs About Buildings and Food are great really, really great in parts, and well ahead of the curve but listening back now, they were too easily imitable, and seem a little of a part with the US new wave that followed. Fear of Music, though, is the one where the band left all the others around them behind, and become completely Talking Heads, impossible to copy despite all the attempts that continue to this day. And from this through until True Stories in 1. So theres definitely an extra retrospective frisson in knowing exactly what wonders this was the beginning of, the thrill of a band standing on the threshold of true greatness but even taken on its own merits its an absolute marvel. Its got a heart of ice, the hot guts of funk, and a brain full of bats and butterflies. What else could you need 9. Captain Beefheart The Magic Band. Lick My Decals Off, BabyStraight, 1. Okay, so Trout Mask Replica might be the established pick when it comes to Beefhearts classic run, but those with an open mind and a keen ear might notice that its follow up Lick My Decals Off, Baby which came only a year later, in 1. Its certainly more succinct, and ditches some of its predecessors boss eyed indulgence, instead hitting on a seam of radio length, jagged experimental pop. Tight and inventively produced, Don Van Vliet had more autonomy over these recordings than ever before, and it shows. Zappas influence was certainly still present, but with Van Vliet at the helm theres a coherence here that was never again matched. Its hard to believe that the bizarre collection of songs actually nicked the UK top 2. John Peel would do. Bruce Haack. The Electric LuciferColumbia, 1. On the evidence of The Electric Lucifer, Bruce Haack might reasonably be called early electronic musics William Blake a marginalised, self publishing savant making gnomic work about the grand metaphysical tussle between good and evil. Using home built synthesisers and vocoders, Haack follows his loopy run of childrens albums with this deep fried collection of synthesised acid rock. With one foot in the novelty Moog records of the late 1. Haack tilts between Biblical cant, psychedelic pop, robo ballads, and whirlers gone wrong bleep fare. Nutty as anything, but, in its own shoddy way, years ahead of its time. Charlemagne Palestine. Strumming MusicShandar, 1. Like Terry Riley, Steve Reich and Phill Niblock, Charlemagne Palestine dines at minimalisms high and, presumably, Bjursta table. Performed on a Bsendorfer grand piano with the sustain pedal depressed, this 5. Palestine hammering out gradually shifting note patterns.