T. U. B. E. Audience FLACMemorial Auditorium source audience gen CDR CDR CD1 0. Obscured by Clouds 0. When Youre In 0. Set The Controls 0. Responses to ALEX CHILTON NEW ORLEANS 1994 I saw Alex and his trio open for Jon Spencer Blues Explosion after the Cliches album was released. Ramones More Unreleased Tracks Rarest Animal In The WorldCareful with that Axe, Eugene 0. Echoes 0. 6 Speak To Me 0. Breathe CD2 0. 1 On The Run 0. Time 0. 3 Breathe reprise 0. The Great Gig in the Sky 0. Money 0. 6 Us and Them 0. Forgotten Realms City Of The Spider Queen Pdf Torrent. Search metadata Search full text of books Search TV captions Search archived web sites Advanced Search. WHIRLIN DISC RECORDS P. O. Box 943 FARMINGDALE, NY 11735 PHONE5166941145 ORDERS 8772dowopp Whirlin Disc Compilation CDs AZ ARTISTTITLE CD. Finishing out side one of the Florida comp is Morbid Opera, a mostlyfemale band from Ft Lauderdale, with three songs. Morbid Opera was a bit more garagey than the. Ramones More Unreleased Tracks Rarest' title='Ramones More Unreleased Tracks Rarest' />Get the latest News news with exclusive stories and pictures from Rolling Stone. For everyone who has problems or doesnt know how to unpack z01, z02, files, follow this simple procedure install the latest version of winzip or winrar, open only. Any Colour You Like Brain Damage 0. Eclipse 0. 9 One of These Days Comments This is obviously from a very low generation tape copied to DAT. Minimal hiss, quite clean, without a lot of noticeable editing. This is the complete recording of Buffalo 7. Careful where the crowd requests songs Money Arnold Layne Point Me At The Sky etc. Echoes is split, starts fades out re starts again. The Great Gig In The Sky. On The Run is split too. CD and shows up again restarting from the very end on CD2 I guess who made this version followed exactly the order on the tape. During the tuneups between When Youre In and Set The Controls, the taper clearly says yeeshkul into the microphone. March show of the same name Chances are that he was, and he was accompanied by the same friend who made inebriated noises and burps during the earlier Yeeshkul show, since he repeats them in this recording. You can hear the same chap likely taper screaming yeeshkul at the end of When Youre In 2 times, at the end of Echoes and at the end of Money, during the first few notes of Us And Them. VGOOD REMASTER NOTES I used two different tapes for this, both initially sourced from the same master. On one master 2 I got rid of the left channel because it was very choppy and full of drop outs and stereo spatialized the right into 2 channels. Toned down the hiss slightly there wasnt a lot, and EQd it a bit to bring the highs out a little better. I also speed corrected it a tiny bit, and used a compander to chase out the uneveness of the volume. This is the tape I used to patch bad spots in the other. The other version of the tape master 1 Return Of The Yeeshkul was used for majority of the show. Unfortunately this tape sounded duller and could not be EQd to sound as good as the other. Also it was a very damaged tape, with dropouts, flutter and wrinkled spots throughout that I could not get rid of without their being replaced by bursts of hiss from the volume increase. I ran 3 passes of a compander to try to level out all the dropouts and get it to where it was useable. Consequently the show is very compressed sounding, kind of FM radio like. It also needed a wee bit of speed correction. Strangely, though it was very well recorded stereo image, Echoes was in mono from the start to the applause at the end. I began using master 2 beginning with a fade at the start of Echoes because the stereo image I was trying to keep up to that point disappeared. The right channel of the tape was pretty garbled throughout Brain DamageEclipse, and the left was duller in quality, so the end of the 2nd set beginning with the section that bridges the songs at the end of ACYL is from master 2, the spatialized mono one. I also used this for most of GGit. S because the main tape went out of alignment after the flip and sounded like it was drowning for several seconds, a sound which also reappeared in the middle of the song. Rather than create two patches in the song that might be obvious, I just replaced the entire song. Id really have liked to preserve the stereo image throughout the show, but both tapes were badly aged and all I could salvage was the one channel for the second set. There were many edits and stops which I crossfaded as smoothly as possible, trying for a balance between undetectability and losing as little of the tape as I could. I went through this trouble for one reason And Buffalofloyd had the same reason for doing a Rev A on the same tape this is one of the best PF shows Ive come across from this period. The OBCWYI jam is amazing, and I personally think this is the single best DSot. M Ive ever heard. Daves voice is good and he doesnt try any of those deviations from the arrangement where he tries to be spur of the moment creative, and which almost invariably fall flat, his guitar playing is top notch The Time solo is brilliant and doesnt suffer from his frequent repetetive brain jam somewhere, Money RIPS, and ACYL rips MORE. Theres a great little moment near the end of GGit. S where Rick starts going a bit jazzy, then Nick catches on and Roger starts doing a walking bassline. Even Us And Them in my opinion one of the most boring songs ever written is pretty jamming. I love this show. Makes me actually enjoy listening to DSot. M again. All remaster work done with Adobe Audition 1. Flac conversion and SBE correction by TLH.