Directions to Rosie the Riveter Visitor Education Center Visitor Center Address 1414 Harbour Way South, Suite 3000Oil House, Richmond, CA 94804. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. I applied for a job in 1943 at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. My patriotism must have been running awfully high back then because I would be working as a riveter on the. Offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Librarys vast digital collections in their teaching. Teacher Resources Library of Congress. Programma Per Tradurre Pdf To Word. The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Librarys vast digital collections in their teaching. Find Library of Congress lesson plans and more that meet Common Core standards, state content standards, and the standards of national organizations. Discover and discuss ways to bring the power of Library of Congress primary sources into the classroom. Go to the blog. Subscribe to the blog via e mail or RSS. Using Primary Sources. Explore and honor the efforts and sacrifices of American civilians on the World War II home front. Find out how they lived, worked and got along. Many faces, many. Ranger Up launched on 8 September 2006. We make shirts for the military and the patriotic Americans who love the men and women of the Armed Forces. The guys that own. Unit Lesson Lesson Title Additional Resources 1 Why do we tell stories 1 Introduction to Historical Thinking Historical Thinking Video TChart CARE. Unique, creative ideas for using vintage and vintage inspired clothing for a vintage Halloween Costume. With pictures to inspire youDiscover quick and easy ways to begin using primary sources in your classroom, with teachers guides, information on citing sources and copyright, and the Librarys primary source analysis tool. TPS Partners. The Teaching with Primary Sources Program builds partnerships with educational organizations to support effective instruction using primary sources. TPS partners deliver Library of Congress professional development locally. Learn about TPS partners. The Teaching with Primary Sources Journal. The TPS Journal is an online publication created by the Library of Congress Educational Outreach Division in collaboration with the TPS Educational Consortium. Read The TPS Journal. Professional Development. The Library of Congress provides primary source based, ready to use resources for teachers and facilitators Or consider training with Library of Congress staff About Professional DevelopmentTeaching. LCFollow us on Twitter. Student Discovery Sets Free Ebooks. Put primary sources in your students hands with these free ebooks. Interactive tools let students zoom in, draw to highlight details, and conduct open ended primary source analysis.