The abominable and detestable crime against nature covers the welldocumented history of homosexuality mormonism from 1840 to 1980. M any pilots and aviation professionals have expressed significant criticism of the 911 Commission Report. Several even allege government complicity in the terrible. NZD New Zealand Dollar Latest News, Analysis and Forex. Latest NZD market news, analysis and New Zealand Dollar trading forecast. The Secure Home Skousen Pdf File' title='The Secure Home Skousen Pdf File' />Finicum exits the truck and raises his hands seconds before the drivers side back window glass shatters. Further reading. The Secure Home, Joel Skousen, Swift Learning Resources 3rd ed, 1999 ISBN 1568610556. This website provides responsible criticism of the 911 Commission Report by senior military, intelligence and government officials. It provides experienced. Horse racing Ice hockey Karate Olympics Racing Motorsport Baseball is a batandball sport played between two teams of nine players each. The goal is to score. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Upgrade coal power and cut 1. Where is the Green applause Jo. Nova. If the Greens cared about CO2 theyd be very interested in ways to reduce emissions. But their selective interest speaks volumes about their real priorities. Anton Lang shows how newer coal fired powers stations run hotter and at higher pressures, and use 1. We could upgrade our power stations and cut a whopping 1. Even massive floods that stop industry dont reduce our emissions as much as this would. Do the Greens hate the coal industry more than carbon pollution JoUltra Super Critical Coal Fired Power gives a 1. CO2 Emissions Reduction. Guest Post Anton Lang aka Tonyfrom. OzIt all comes down to steam. Assume for a moment that we have to reduce the emissions of CO2 by something like 2. Fundamentos Da Fisica 3 Ramalho Download Games. Previously I showed we could achieve a reduction of 1. CO2 emissions from the electrical power generating sector just by converting from the current 7. USC Ultra. Super. Critical coal fired technology. That 1. 3 I quoted at the time was theoretical, but in China over the last three years the emissions reduction of new USC plants is even better, around 1. This is off the shelf technology that handles base load, produces cheap electricity, and reduces emissions. USC 1. 00. 0MW unit at Shanghai Waigaoqiao III Power Plant. The data comes from this link to Shanghai Electric, about a number of plants now in operation for more than three years. Smaller plants of 1. MW and less from the 7. KWH delivered. For large scale older plants, emissions are 3. KWH delivered similar to all black coal fired plants in Australia. For this new USC technology, emissions are down to 2. KWH delivered. Based on the large scale 7. USC type plants consume 1. CO2 per unit of delivered energy. For a typical large scale 2. MW coal fired plant, that means a savings of 2. Million tons of CO2 per year. How does USC make coal burning more efficient The most efficient rotors in a power station are enormous. The rotor in 6. 60. MW generator could weigh anything up to 6. RPM for 5. 0Hz power in the U. S. it is 3. 60. 0RPM, for 6. Hz power. Thats rotating that huge weight at 5. A typical large scale coal fired plant will have up to four generators, each capable of generating between 5. MW. For a typical 7. MW is the largest power rating currently in use. It takes a lot of energy to turn something so incredibly heavy at such an extraordinary speed. Its all depends on steam. The rotor is the critical part, and more wire loops means more electricity. If you pass a wire capable of carrying an electric current through a magnetic field then a current will be induced to flow along that wire. You will get a larger electromotive force, and thus a larger current flow, if you scale everything up. More wire will give us more current and more power, but then the rotor is harder to push through the magnetic field. Likewise, stronger magnetic fields or higher speeds of rotation also give more power. So in a sense, the heavier the better. Place a number of magnetic poles around a shaft, cool the area so the magnetic field is stronger, and wrap those poles in current carrying wire to further intensify the magnetic field. Then add series of these poles along the shaft, and rotate all that at high speed. This is the rotor of a typical generator in actual fact, a turbo alternator. This high speed rotor then induces power into the stator, huge amounts of wire wrapped in a shell around, but not touching the spinning rotor. To turn the rotor we need a very large multi stage turbine. To drive that turbine, we need a huge amount of high temperature, high pressure steam. Coal is what boils the water to make that steam. What makes USC different is the huge amount of high temperature and high pressure steam it can produce. Ultra. Super. Critical. What does that mean The critical point of water occurs at 3. C at a pressure of 2. MPa 3,2. 08 psi, where liquid water and steam become indistinguishable. Above that point Super Critical and USC, the water does not need to boil to produce steam. So, not only do you need less coal to make that steam, you now also have a saving in water use as well, as it does not need to boil. The USC units currently in use in China are operating at 6. C and 2. 7MPa. In fact China is actively working towards advanced USC, with temperatures above 7. C in the range of 7. C. Like the U. S., Japan, South Korea and Germany, China have now all but perfected the technology. Originally it was imported, and in cooperation with non Chinese companies, but they are now proceeding on their own. China has already got to the stage where they have a number of plants with units driving 1. MW generators, the first to do so. They are further working towards generators with a capacities of 1. MW and even 1. 35. MW, levels previously thought unattainable even with large scale nuclear power. This graph shows the steady improvement in electrical power generation. Note the top black line the Mega. Watts size of the plant is not linear. People were building plants in the 1. MW. Now were building 1. MW plants. Development of Thermal Power Generation Technology in China from USC Technology In China shown on Page 1. Source USC Technology In China pdfAustralian power is mostly coal, and mostly old and inefficient. China now has several plants running these large 1. MW generators, usually two at a time, hence 2. MW output. The ones they already have in operation are running at a CF of 9. Australia produces about 7. MW of power. Our four largest generators are all pre 1. Coal generates 7. Australian electricity. What USC technology means is that higher power generators can be used for significant reductions in CO2 emissions, and as the technology moves to the next stage, even less coal needs to be burned to make the immense amounts of steam required to drive smaller generators that produce more power. And the cost In China these plants are being constructed for a capital cost of USD6. KW, so around 1. Billion for a 2. MW plant page 2. In Australia, Bayswater Power Station is planning an upgrade it is the only one that is and the cost would be about twice that of China. So for 2. 5 Billion here in Australia, you could get a 2. MW plant of top quality coal fired electricity available 2. Or you or get a wind farm of 1. MW, with 3. 20 towers, 1. Consider this. That ONE generator shown in the top image produces 2. Australia. So USC is a technology that is sorely needed for the huge amount of cheap power it generates. In addition, it actually lowers emissions of CO2 per unit of delivered energy, and almost by the amount the Government has targeted for 2. As if we need to reduce CO2 emissions in the first place. Additional notes Generation with solar or nuclear. Nuclear power plants typically have generators capable of driving huge generators capable of 1. MW. They can do this because the nuclear process can make huge amounts of steam to drive a huge multi stage turbine, a lot larger than for a large scale coal fired unit. If you were to connect one of those 1. MW generators to a 7. The same applies with Concentrating Solar Power CSP. You cannot connect one of those large coal fired generators to a solar plant, because the solar plant cannot make enough steam to drive the turbine needed to make the rotor rotate. You could have square miles of mirrors all focused to the one point to heat the compound to a molten state, which is then used to make steam, to drive the turbine, which drives the generator which produces the power. In fact, the best this CSP can manage is around 2. MW, and even that is usually from 5 X 5. MW generators. With the enormous added cost of heat diversion so they can theoretically generate power for the full 2. MW generators. The best they have been able to do so far is around 1. MW, and even that is not on a year round basis. Averaged over a full year, it works out at around a 6. CF, which equates to barely 1. Patriots Question 91. Responsible Criticism of the 91. Commission Report Pilots for 91. Truth is an association of more than 6. Association Statement Pilots for 91. Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe that have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 1. September 2. 00. 1. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day since the United States Government doesnt seem to be very forthcoming with answers. Editors note In August 2. Pilots for 91. 1 Truth received from the National Transportation and Safety Board NTSB a copy of the Flight Data Recorder FDR data of Flight 7. Pentagon. The association conducted a professional analysis of the data and has concluded, The information provided by the NTSB does not support the 91. Commission Report of American Airlines Flight 7. Pentagon. Most notably, the altitude of Flight 7. Pentagon was more than 2. At this altitude it could also not have downed the five light poles, as reported, nor could it have been the aircraft shown in the stop action photos of the impact at the Pentagon, provided by the Defense Department. Additionally, the FDR data reveals the path taken by Flight 7. Pentagon differs significantly from the official account, in that it approached the Pentagon from north of the Navy Annex and CITGO gas station, considerably north of the official account. This more northerly approach is corroborated by the testimony of Pentagon Police Officers Sgt. Chadwick Brooks and Sgt. William Lagasse, who were on duty at or near the CITGO gas station on 91. The Penta. Con documentary recorded the testimony of these two officers and several other witnesses who also corroborate this flight path. This more northerly flight path is also inconsistent with the swath of destruction inside the Pentagon, which runs from the southwest to northeast, as reported in the Pentagon Building Damage Report. The more northerly flight path is also inconsistent with Flight 7. See the associations one hour video documentary and press release for more details. PILOTS FOR 91. 1 TRUTH MEMBERS For more details on members, please click here. Robert Balsamo, Co founder Commercial airline pilot See individual citation above. Capt. Russ Wittenberg Retired commercial airline pilot and military pilot See individual citation above. Capt. Ross Aimer, BS Aeronautics Retired commercial airline pilot John Lear Retired commercial airline pilot See individual citation above. Lt. Col. Jeff Latas, U. S. Air Force ret Commercial airline pilot. Retired U. S. Air Force fighter pilot. Former Weapons Requirements Officer, USAF HQ, Pentagon See individual citation above. Lt. Col. Guy S. Razer, MS, U. S. Air Force ret Retired U. S. Air Force fighter pilot. Former Fighter Weapons School Instructor and NATO Tactical Leadership Program Instructor See individual citation above. Lt. Col. Field Mc. Connell, U. S. Air National Guard ret Retired commercial airline pilot. Graduate U. S. Naval Academy. Retired U. S. Marine Corps and U. S. Air National Guard pilot. Capt. Paul Ashley Trood Commercial airline pilot Australia See individual citation above. Jim Mustanich Commercial airline pilot See individual citation above. Commander Ted Muga, U. S. Naval Reserves ret Retired commercial airline pilot. Retired U. S. Navy aviator. Naval Aviator See individual citation above. Lt. Col. Robert Bowman, Ph. D, U. S. Air Force ret Former U. S. Air Force fighter pilot. Former Head of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering and Assistant Dean at the U. S. Air Force Institute of Technology. Director of Advanced Space Programs Development under Presidents Ford and Carter See individual citation above. John Panarelli Commercial airline pilot. Former U. S. Air Force pilot See individual citation above. Lt. Col. Shelton F. Lankford, U. S. Marine Corps ret Retired U. S. Marine Corps fighter pilot See individual citation above. Dennis Spear, U. S. Army ret Commercial pilot. Retired U. S. Army pilot See individual citation above. Scott Burley First Officer, United Airlines. Years. Aircraft flown Lockheed 7. Bill Credle Aviation Maintenance Technician, American Airlines. Tony Ryan, Warrant Officer, Royal Australian Air Force ret. Flight Engineer on Lockheed C1. A, E, and H Hercules and Boeing 7. Flight Engineer, Cathay Pacific Airways. Aircraft flown. Lockheed L 1. Tri. Star and Boeing 7. F. 1. 00. 00 total hours flown. Australian Private Pilot License. Aircraft flown Cessna 1. RG and Piper Archer. Alfons Olszewski Former. U. S. Army Aircraft Maintenance Crew Chief. Co founder of Veterans For 91. Truth See individual citation above. Col. George Nelson, MBA, U. S. Air Force ret FAA certified commercial pilot. FAA certified Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic. Retired. U. S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and aircraft maintenance activities See individual citation above. Larry Patriarca Former. U. S. Navy Aviation Structural Mechanic. Coordinator for Central Massachusetts 91. Truth Alliance See individual citation above. Capt. Steve Nieman Commercial airline pilot See individual citation above. Joel M. Skousen Commercial pilot. Former U. S. Marine Corps fighter pilot See individual citation above. Col. Michael Harley, U. S. Air Force ret Retired Chief of Standardization of a Strategic Air Command Wing. Command pilot and U. S. Air Force accident investigator See individual citation above. Mathias Frey Commercial pilot Switzerland See individual citation above. Jeff Dahlstrom, U. S. Air Force Former U. S. Air Force pilot See individual citation above. Capt. Joe H. Ferguson, U. S. Air Force ret Retired commercial airline pilot. Retired U. S. Air Force pilot See individual citation above. William Reyes Commercial pilot. Former U. S. Navy officer. See individual citation above. Commander Ralph Kolstad, U. S. Navy ret Retired commercial airline pilot. Retired U. S. Navy fighter pilot See individual citation above. Capt. Omar Pradhan, U. S. Air Force Former AWACS command pilot. Former Flight Instructor, U. S. Air Force Academy See individual citation above. Jared Eastley Business Charter and Air Ambulance Pilot See individual citation above. Mike Aybar Aircraft Maintenance Technician. Crew Chief. American Airlines See individual citation above. James Edward Forst Graduated from UND summa cum laude December 2. Degree in Commercial Aviation and Aviation Management. Hamish Brannan Former UK air defense ground environment UKADGE RADAR technician. Former instructor for the Ministry of Defence MOD for. Air Traffic Control and airborne systems, including radio. See individual citation above. Didier Jay Weenen Retired Belgian Air Force pilot. See individual citation above. Peter Rapp Commercial pilot Austria. See individual citation above. Erin Myers Former U. S. Army Aviation Mechanic. FAA certified Airframe and Powerplant Mechanic. Private pilot. Experimental aircraft builder See individual citation above. Sean Dulac Private Pilot. Christina Merrick Commercial airline pilot See individual citation above. Dave Kisor, MA Former U. S. Navy Aviation Electrician See individual citation above. Slawomir M. Kozak Former President of Polish Air Traffic Controllers Association. Former member of Polish Airports State Enterprise Employees Council.