Alvar Aalto Wikipedia. Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto pronounced huo lr henrik lto 3 February 1. May 1. 97. 6 was a Finnish architect and designer. His work includes architecture, furniture, textiles and glassware, as well as sculptures and paintings, though he never regarded himself as an artist, seeing painting and sculpture as branches of the tree whose trunk is architecture. Aaltos early career runs in parallel with the rapid economic growth and industrialization of Finland during the first half of the twentieth century and many of his clients were industrialists among these were the Ahlstrm Gullichsen family. The span of his career, from the 1. Nordic Classicism of the early work, to a rational International Style Modernism during the 1. What is typical for his entire career, however, is a concern for design as a Gesamtkunstwerk, a total work of art whereby he together with his first wife Aino Aalto would design not just the building, but give special treatments to the interior surfaces and design furniture, lamps, and furnishings and glassware. His furniture designs are considered Scandinavian Modern, in the sense of a concern for materials, especially wood, and simplification but also technical experimentation, which led to him receiving patents for various manufacturing processes, such as bent wood. The Alvar Aalto Museum, designed by Aalto himself, is located in what is regarded as his home city Jyvskyl. Biographyedit. Alvar Aalto portrayed on a stamp published in 1. Knjiga book Buch,n knjiga mobitel cellphone handy handstina lampa bulb birne neznam kua house Haus, n hia vijak screw Schraube,f. Recipes, Crafts and Activities. Popular Posts. Disney Family Game Night. The Best Disney Cupcakes. Top 10 Disney Princess Recipes for your DisneyWeekend. Build a cheery DIY Santas Sleigh out of 34 plywood for your Christmas decor. Fill the sleigh with presents of use as a photo prop. The signature of Alvar Aalto on the wall of Jyvskyls theatre building. Auditorium of the Viipuri Municipal Library in the 1. Alvar Aalto Studio, Helsinki 1. Plywood Reindeer Template Printable' title='Plywood Reindeer Template Printable' />Fique horas transando e enlouquea qualquer mulher Guia do Orgasmo feminino Erees Duradouras Aumento do Pnis Acesse www. Alvar Aalto Studio, Helsinki 1. Main Building of the Jyvskyl University 1. Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto was born in Kuortane, Finland. His father, Johan Henrik Aalto, was a Finnish speaking land surveyor and his mother, Selly Selma Matilda ne Hackstedt was a Swedish speaking postmistress. When Aalto was 5 years old, the family moved to Alajrvi, and from there to Jyvskyl in Central Finland. Aalto studied at the Jyvskyl Lyceum school, where he completed his basic education in 1. Jonas Heiska. In 1. Helsinki University of Technology. His studies were interrupted by the Finnish Civil War, which he fought in. He fought on the side of the White Army and fought at the Battle of Lnkipohja and the Battle of Tampere. He built his first piece of architecture while still a student, a house for his parents, at Alajrvi. Afterwards, he continued his education, graduating in 1. In the summer of 1. Hamina reserve officer training school, and was promoted to reserve second lieutenant in June 1. In 1. 92. 0, while still a student, Aalto made his first trip abroad, travelling via Stockholm to Gothenburg, where he even briefly found work with the architect Arvid Bjerke. In 1. 92. 2, he accomplished his first independent piece at the Industrial Exposition in Tampere. In 1. Jyvskyl, where he opened his first architectural office under the name Alvar Aalto, Architect and Monumental Artist. At that same time he also wrote articles for the Jyvskyl newspaper Sis Suomi under the pseudonym Remus. During this time, he designed a number of small single family houses in Jyvskyl, and the offices workload steadily increased. On October 6, 1. 92. Aalto married architect Aino Marsio their honeymoon journey to Italy was Aaltos first trip there, though Aino had previously made a study trip there. The latter trip together sealed an intellectual bond with the culture of the Mediterranean region that was to remain important to Aalto for the rest of his life. On their return, they continued with a number of local projects, notably the Jyvskyl Workers Club, which incorporated a number of motifs which they had studied during their trip, most notably the decorations of the Festival hall modelled on the Rucellai Sepulchre in Florence by Leon Battista Alberti. Following winning the architecture competition for the Southwest Finland Agricultural Cooperative building in 1. Aaltos moved their office to Turku. They had made contact with the citys most progressive architect, Erik Bryggman, already before moving, and they then began collaborating with him, most notably on the Turku Fair of 1. Aaltos biographer, Gran Schildt, claimed that Bryggman was the only architect with whom Aalto cooperated as an equal. With increasing works in the Finnish capital, the Aaltos office moved again in 1. Helsinki. 1. 4The Aaltos designed and built a joint house office 1. Munkkiniemi, Helsinki, but later 1. Alvar Aalto Academy. In 1. 92. 6 the young Aaltos designed and had built for themselves a summer cottage in Alajrvi, Villa Flora. Aino Aalto died of cancer in 1. Aino and Alvar Aalto had 2 children, a daughter Johanna Hanni Alanen, born Aalto, 1. Hamilkar Aalto, 1. In 1. 95. 2 Aalto married architect Elissa Mkiniemi died 1. In 1. 95. 2 Aalto designed and had built a summer cottage, the so called Experimental House, for himself and his new wife in Muuratsalo in Central Finland. Alvar Aalto died on 1. May 1. 97. 6, in Helsinki, and is buried in the Hietaniemi cemetery in Helsinki. His wife and the office employees continued the works of the office which were still in progress. In 1. 97. 8 the Museum of Finnish Architecture in Helsinki arranged a major exhibition of Aaltos works. Architecture careereditEarly career classicismeditAlthough he is sometimes regarded as among the first and most influential architects of Nordic modernism, a closer examination of the historical facts reveals that Aalto while a pioneer in Finland closely followed and had personal contacts with other pioneers in Sweden, in particular Gunnar Asplund1. Sven Markelius. 1. What they and many others of that generation in the Nordic countries had in common was that they started off from a classical education and were first designing classical architecture, though what historians now call Nordic Classicism1. National Romanticism before moving, in the late 1. Modernism. On returning to Jyvskyl in 1. Aalto busied himself with a number of single family homes, all designed in the Nordic Classicism style, such as the manor like house for his mothers cousin Terho Manner in Tysa in 1. Jyvskyl chief constable in 1. Alatalo farmhouse in Tarvaala in 1. During this period he also completed his first public buildings, the Jyvskyl Workers Club in 1. Jyvskyl Defence Corps building in 1. Seinjoki Defence Corp building in 1. Aalto also entered several architectural competitions for prestigious state public buildings, both in Finland and abroad, including the two competitions for the Finnish Parliament building in 1. University of Helsinki in 1. League of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1. Furthermore, this was the period when Aalto was most prolific in his writings, with articles for professional journals and newspapers. Among his most well known essays from this period are Urban culture 1. Temple baths on Jyvskyl ridge 1. Abb Coignards sermon 1. From doorstep to living room 1. Watch "Kevin Spencer" Killing The Messenger Free Online. Auditorium of the University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland 1. House of Culture, Helsinki. Early career functionalismeditThe shift in Aaltos design approach from classicism to modernism is epitomised by the Viipuri Library in Vyborg 1. Yet his humanistic approach is in full evidence in the library the interior displays natural materials, warm colours, and undulating lines. Due to problems over financing and a change of site, the Viipuri Library project lasted eight years, and during that same time he also designed the Standard Apartment Building 1. Turku, Turun Sanomat Building 1. Paimio Sanatorium 1.