Store share your files with uploaded. Learn more about our services videoAfter entering your e. Mail addres and receipt of your registration youll simultaneously receive your personal access data from us. This is always free of charge. An Apple TV With a Blu ray Player Rumors are flying fast and furious over what Steve Jobs will pull out of his blue jean pocket a week from Tuesday at his annual speech at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco. These include a movie rental service for i. Tunes, a super small notebook computer perhaps with a solid state hard drive, a notebook docking station, and new features for the i. Phone. Shaw Wu, an analyst with American Technology Research, suggested that Apple will start shipping some computers with Blu ray high definition DVD drives. By itself, adding Blu ray to Macs is nothing more than continuing to add features to justify the Mac price premium. But there is another move that Apple could make that could well be a game changer introducing a new version of Apple TV with a built in Blu ray player. Separately, neither Apple TV nor Blu ray players have excited consumers. People have been wary of the fight between Blu ray and rival HD DVD players, worrying that they will end up owning the disk equivalent of a useless Betamax player. And Apple TV just didnt seem to have all that many useful things you could do with it. For that matter, online video rentals have been around for several years, by way of Movielink, and also have attracted very few users. The hottest movie download service in fact may be Xbox Live, which makes sense because the game machines are already hooked up to televisions. Imagine, however, if Apple introduced this product, say for 3. It plays Blu ray disks. It lets you buy or rent movies and TV programs from the Internet. It automatically downloads and plays free video and audio podcasts. And it brings your i. Tunes music collection to your living room. This combination of features may be enough of a package that consumers will feel they arent taking too much risk buying one. And Apples brand may also reassure them. Mame 0 153 Rom Set Torrent. The company is not only the sexiest name in consumer electronics right now, but it also has a respectable track record of being able to negotiate with Hollywood to bring content to its devices. The first version of Apple TV was a bit of an exception. Apples clout might also help tip the now tied race between Blu ray and HD DVD. Apple has been on the sidelines, but is a Blu ray sympathizer. It serves on the Blu ray advisory committee. And Disney, of which Mr. Jobs is the largest shareholder, backs Blu ray. There are two other features of this product Im imagining Id like to see, but I think are less likely streaming video and a commitment to advertiser supported free video. Apple has focused on video downloads, in part because the quality is better than streaming and they fit into its i. Tunes model. But the first Apple TV does have streaming for movie trailers. Adding a broader streaming capability would expand programming choices and make the device useful for live and very recent content, like news and sports. Apple has also not been serious about exploring ad supported video, but this too is inevitable. For everyone who wants to watch Heroes without commercials for 1. IttCTnOUIiTY8D-3f9m5jOOfdy4=/768x0/filters:no_upscale()/cd-disc-writer--close-up-200368902-001-597b403d519de200115c1c2d.jpg' alt='How To Burn Ps3 Games To Bd Rip Streaming' title='How To Burn Ps3 Games To Bd Rip Streaming' />Torrentz will always love you. Farewell. 20032016 Torrentz. Guides and howtos related to digital video and software associated to it. Download software in the CDDVD RipOther Tools category. As Cassinis tour of Saturn comes to a close, NASAs getting a bit nostalgic. Yesterday, the space agency released a photo of Saturns North pole the doomed. Such a device could also have a TV tuner, a Cable. Card slot and act as a digital video recorder. But my guess is that Mr. Jobs would find that this makes it far too complex and he will leave these functions to the cable set top boxes. I dont know what Mr. Jobs will pull out of his pocket. But I do know that he has a three decade track record of picking when a technology is ready to enter the mainstream. How To Burn Ps3 Games To Bd Rip How To Burn Ps3 Games To Bd Rip DownloadBlu ray and Internet video combined may be at just such a moment. North Koreans, theyre just like us By which I mean they love smartphone games about war. And according to North Korean state media, the people of that isolated.