Todays Stock Market News and Analysis. CLOSEXPlease confirm your selection. You have selected to change your default setting for the Quote Search. This will now be your default target page. Are you sure you want to change your settingsGils Thrilling And Filling Blog. Kim and Bob Yacone of Forghedaboudit in Deming Bring More Gold Home to New Mexico. In the Christmas classic Its A Wonderful Life, we learned that every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. Unfortunately for the angels, the most heavenly wings arent of celestial origin. The best wings can only be found on Planet Earth at Forghedaboudit in Deming, New Mexico. For the second consecutive year, Bob and Kim Yacone spent their Labor Day weekend in Buffalo, New York where they competed in Wingfest 2. Considered the premier competition in the chicken wing arena, it pitted some forty restaurateurs from across the globe in a heated and delicious competition. The Yacones earned first place in the Dry Rub category for their magical maple bacon dry rub and third place in XHot. The maple bacon dry rub was improved version of the same maple bacon rub that placed second in last years competition and which Gil can attest is the best hes ever had. PMQ Pizza Magazine, an online community dedicated to pizza gave Bob the sobriquet king of the wings. NOTE Melodie K. Melodie K. Gil on this post. September proved an auspicious month for the Yacones. Shortly after returning from Buffalo, Viceland channels The Pizza Show kicked off its second season by showcasing the International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas. Restaurant Empire 2 Patch Italy Map VeniceWhile the Pizza Show chose to focus more on the gimmicky freestyle acrobatic dough tossing competition, if you paid close attention you may have seen Kims name atop the leaderboard in the traditional pizza category. As chronicled on this blog, Bob and Kimcompeting against pizzaioli from all over the worldeared Best Traditional Pizza honors in the Southwest Region California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas. They also placed second in the United States and fourth in the entire world. In the past two years, no one has brought as much gold home to New Mexico as Bob and Kim have. Isnt it time for the state to declare a Forghedaboudit Day in their honorCheck your balances of wool and linen. Will you sell them to the merchant from Milan or the one from Venice Oh, also, the church wants you to buy some of their. According to Agence FrancePresse, local conditions in Italys Campania region caused temperatures to feel much higher, around 55 Celsius 131 Farenheit. A016D2102382-c2-photo-oYToxOntzOjE6InciO2k6NjUwO30%3D-restaurant-empire-2.jpg' alt='Restaurant Empire 2 Patch Italy Map' title='Restaurant Empire 2 Patch Italy Map' />How about it, Governor Martinez Green Chile Ranch Dressing from Dions. Most dating sites are based on compatibility, matching couples on the basis of shared lifestyle preferences. Hater, which launched in February, is approaching compatibility from an entirely different perspective, matching people with others who hate the same things. Haters premise is that mutual dislikes can bring people closer than their shared interests. The Hater app allows users to express their level of hate on about three thousand topics. Based on data collected, Hater put together a map showing the most hated food in each state. It turns out that what denizens of the Land of Enchantment hate most is chicken nuggets though we would probably love them with green chile. Our neighbors in Colorado hate flaming hot Cheetos while Arizonans hate kombucha and Texans loathe steak cooked well done. The sixth time proved the charm for Sparkys Burgers, BBQ Espresso which finally won the New Mexico State Fair Green Chile Cheeseburger Challenge after years of trying. In previous competitions, Sparkys earned second place and a peoples choice award, but top honors proved elusive. The chile Sparkys used on their burgers was grown in Hatch, hometown to the very popular destination restaurant. It was picked and processed two days before the competition. Second place was earned by Fuddruckers, a two time winner of the competition. The Oak Tree Caf earned third place while the Oso Grill in Capital took home the peoples choice award. Twelve restaurants competed for best burger honors in this annual event. Reigning supreme in Santa Fes 2. Green Chile Cheeseburger Smackdown, a truly chile licious event, was Chef Rocky Durham of Blue Heron at the Sunrise Springs Spa in La Cienega. David Sellers of Street Food Institute earned the peoples choice award. Eight competitors entered the fray, showcasing a variety of different ways to prepare and serve New Mexicos sacrosanct burger. The winning burger, christened The Life Changer featured Brisket, rib eye, vintage cheddar, Acalde green chile, and housemade pickles. Alas, its available only for lunch and brunch at Blue Heron. Other contenders included Chefs Marc Quinones of Mas Tapas Y Vino at Hotel Andaluz in Albuquerque, Jeffrey Kaplan of Rowley Farmhouse Ales in Santa Fe, Matt Schnooberger of the Freight House Kitchen in Bernalillo and five other esteemed competitors. Chef Marc Quinones of Mas Tapas Y Vino at Hotel Andaluz in Albuquerque was named Chef of the Year for 2. Hospitality Industry Awards banquet sponsored by the New Mexico Restaurant Association. The award signifies leadership, creativity and culinary excellence in addition to demonstrating outstanding guest service and mentorship inside and outside the kitchen. Previous honors for Chef Quinones include a third place finish in the Great American Seafood Cook off, a national competition held in New Orleans back in July. Restaurateur of the Year, the Associations highest honor, went to Brian Baily from Dominos for leading his team on a number of community involvement activities. The Restaurant Neighbor Award went to Larry and Dorothy Rainosek from Frontier Restaurant and Golden Pride. The Rainoseks are exemplars of giving back to the community. Cinnamon Roll from Limonata in Albuquerque. La Forteresse Suspendue Film Complet Gratuit. Thrillist, the online media brand which covers food, drink, travel and entertainment listed Santa Fe as one of Nine Surprisingly Great U. S. Food Cities You Have to Visit. For those of us who follow culinary trends, the biggest surprise is that its a surprise to anyone that Santa Fe is a great food city. Its been a great food city for decades, in fact. Thrillist summed it up succinctly Pretty much everything you love, done the best it can be done. Noting that Every day in Santa Fe can be Christmas Red chile sauce and green chile sauce slathered side by side on your enchilada, burrito, or chile relleno like a piquant Yuletide fiesta, Thrillist named Marias New Mexican Kitchen as a peerless purveyor of margaritas. If, however, you can only have one meal in Santa Fe, Thrillist recommends it be from Eloisa which eschews the standard Santa Fe palette of purples and pinks for a sleek black and white space inside the Drury Plaza Hotel. With more than 2. United States and 1. Facebook is the most popular social network in the planet. It stands to reason, therefore, that Facebook recommendations carry a lot of weight. USA Today polled Facebook as to what restaurants its users recommend across the fruited plain. In a feature entitled Each states most recommended restaurant on Facebook, data revealed that New Mexicos most recommended restaurant on Facebook is El Pinto in Albuquerque. In the seven years Gils Thrilling And Filling Year in Food has been gracing this blog, no restaurant has garnered as much acclaim as the capacious El Pinto. Though it has its detractors, its widely beloved, too. The inside of Mary and Titos Restaurant on Albuquerques 4th Street doesnt look like much vinyl tablecloths, walls plastered with family photos. But the kitchen produces some of New Mexicos best chilenot the meaty stew, spelled chili, served across the border in Texas, but the pepper based sauce that holds pride of place in New Mexican cuisine. Thats how the Wall Street Journal began its feature Why Doubling Down on the Chile is the Way to Go. The feature boasted New Mexicos red and green chile sauces are so good, why not opt for both at once Red and green chile are precisely why the Land of Enchantment celebrates Christmas all year long. Datafiniti, which purports to provide instant access to web data, explored which parts of the country offer the most for Mexican food aficionados.